Top 5 Benefits Of Adopting Product E-Detailing To HCP’s In Pharma Companies.


A lot has changed in the last decade. I know you are also thinking the same. 😊

Just a click, you get a taxi, grocery, salon, fuel, and pretty more things. Isn’t it?

Every industry has surprised the world with incredible innovations and unimaginable transformations, then how the pharmaceutical landscape can stay behind. The pharma companies have reinvented the traditional business model, which they are following for decades. What’s that?

Thousands of medical representatives are hired who desperately move door-to-door in a hustle to get a couple of minutes from the busy HCP’s schedule for communicating and convincing them for the product. However, persuading the HCPs to prefer drug A over drug B because of high efficacy and fewer side effects was inefficient. Sadly, the labor-intensive approach won’t allow the pharma companies to perform to the notch.

That’s why the voice- “Is there any better way?” heard in the market.

Thankfully, technological progress has given addressed the pharma challenges in the form of e-detailing solutions. With passing time, e-detailing has become a de-facto standard of medical presentations. It’s helping the pharma companies to make great strides with improved HCPs engagement, marketing automation, and increased sales by standing up-to-the customers’ expectations.

Let’s first understand e-detailing in a nutshell! Read more


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